Sunday, February 18, 2007

Words to live by. . .

Martina McBride

You can spend your whole life building something from nothing
One storm can come and blow it all away
Build it anyway

You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach
and you know it might not ever come your way
Dream it anyway

God is great, but sometimes life ain’t good
And when I pray it doesn’t always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway, I do it anyway

This world’s gone crazy and it’s hard to believe that tomorrow will be better than today
Believe it anyway

You can love someone with all your heart,
for all the right reasons, and in a moment they can choose to walk away
Love ‘em anyway

God is great, but sometimes life ain’t good
And when I pray it doesn’t always turn out like I think it should
But I do it anyway, I do it anyway

You can pour your soul out singing a song you believe in
that tomorrow they’ll forget you ever sang
Sing it anyway, sing it anyway

I sing, I dream, I love, anyway

We went and saw Martina McBride at Christmas for her Christmas concert and this was her encore. I thought it was a great song and wanted to share it with you all. Hope that everyone is enjoying their Sunday afternoon. The sun is shining so beautiful here, it looks pretty on the snow.


Anonymous said...

Love that song Kel'!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly

I looked at the other blogs that you read and I have been looking at them too. I'm getting hooked on these things. Talk to you soon.