Saturday, January 3, 2009

Singing and Hugging with Lyla

Lyla has been quite the singer of 'Jingle Bells' over the past winter holidays. She adds in the "Hey!" quite enthusiastically. At the end, check out the hug! Gotta love the hugs


Anonymous said...

that is SO CUTE!!! Lyla will become a singer like her cousin Em

Jillian wants to say a few words vcdffdfgaaaaa 7 5v3 98888888888/.

I think that means I Luv you Lyla my dede(baby).

We love you so much!!

Love Emily & Jillybeaner

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

I am loving the hug. It is wonderful you got that on 'tape'. Gotta love those baby hugs.

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Kelly - I have the tag up, it is a ways down though. Play along it you want.
